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Your Partner for Pay for Performance Advertising

Our pay for performance model helps you to grow your business on your budget.

Pay only for Performance:

Sales-Qualified Leads for your SaaS Business
Only Pay for Qualified Leads

You only pay when we send you a sales qualified lead

Quality Leads

Our experienced team uses keyword analysis, search optimization, and competitive research to deliver high-quality leads.

Customized Strategies

We work closely with you to develop a customized strategy that meets your specific needs

Progress Reports

We provide regular progress reports and meet with you to ensure that you are happy with the advertising process and the quality of leads.

Pay for Performance vs [Go Your Own]

  • RYou define what it means to be a “qualified lead”
  • RPreferred Solutions does all “top of the funnel” work
  • RPreferred Solutions pays for the campaigns
  • RYour cost: $0
  • This means if the campaigns do not deliver qualified leads, your out-of-pocket risk is $0
  • PYOU do all this work.
  • This means if it doesn’t work, you’ve wasted time and money, then adding insult to injury, you’ll pay a consultant to redo it.